How about more eardrums for your site? Podcasting.

Want more “eyeballs” on your website? How about more eardrums?

Would you like more people visiting your website?

Right now you have visitors looking at the screen on their desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.

How about gaining visitors who are driving their cars?

Relax! There’s a safe way to get those web visitors – via podcasts.

Podcasting has been around for a while, but now it’s poised to burst through in a big way. Major car manufacturers such as GM and BMW are selling cars with radios that tune in to podcasts as easily as tune in to radio stations.

This overview session will get you started putting your business or educational message on your WordPress site and over the airwaves.

  • What is a podcast?
  • Possible topics
  • Equipment needed
  • Software options
  • Easy ways to edit sound
  • How to put your podcast on WordPress

Lydia Rogers