Modular JavaScript

How to break your scripts up into smaller files to make coding and debugging your plugins more manageable, and how to use a build process to reconstruct them into a single file for release.

Talk abstract:

We’re long past the days where a few lines of JavaScript in a single .js file cut the mustard, modern web applications can involve thousands of lines over hundreds of files, and WordPress themes and plugins are heading in that direction fast. You can make your codebase much easier to maintain and expand by breaking your scripts up into modules, encapsulating different logical units in their own files. All these files make developing and debugging simpler but they can take a while to load, so we’ll also look at how to use a build tool to boil all those files back down into a single script for when you’re ready to release the code to your users.

I am also open to covering other intermediate/advanced JS or Front-End development topics, but I’ve refined my material for the above talk since WCChi and would be honored to present it at WCPVD.